Monday, April 20, 2009

ryusei no kizuna

finished watching ryusei no kizuna...sugee...

it was worth is truly deserving for the awards it won ...story line would think its simple plot but as each episode unveiled it became interesting..and i was really surprised at the was funny, with a little bit of romance and a touch of sad things...which make it very unique....

this is the second Nino drama I have watched..and i must say im loving nino as an seems his acting has improved from Stand Up days...i think I should check out more Nino dramas...

ryo is so ryo in this drama...meanie yet sweet...a good supporting actor i might say...and who can resist him when he smiles..toda erika, she was really pretty here..and good too..i love her when she tried on that different roles when they are swindling....kaname jun yasashi desu...and i think his role suited him..hehehe...and post-it man character was so funny...i enjoyed watching his scenes...LOL

i definitely agree that Ryusei No Kizuna is the best Jdorama for 2008 Fall season...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

zettai kareshi SP

pretending im sick i did not go to work today i visited my fav streaming site to catch up some dramas..and found zettai kareshi...

this series is definitely awesome and one of the bittersweet yet touching jdorama i have ever watched...from the drama series until the special the storyline didn't fail to tug my heart...embarrasingly..i was crying the whole time when nighto and riiko was saying goodbye..can't stop my tears from is worth watching..i think i'm gonna download it hahahaa....

all the original casts has been should be...hehehe...mokomichi, hiro and aibu are all looking good....both the two guys are still ikemen while aibu became prettier...
and it is a continuation not unlike any dramas who have special...some jdoramas with special really disappointed me..but this's definitely one of the best...i loved this drama..i would add this to my favorite jdoroma...