Sunday, September 4, 2011

*sighs*...this was supposed to be happy...but i dont feel like being happy right now

*sighs*....i really kinda feel sad..i almost can feel..that nobody loves tegomasu anymore huhuhuhu..except for a few people who arent close to me...first there was van...then iolekei..then misa...and now katrina...well i can be guilty of distracting myself with other fandom...but i make it sure i am updated with tegomasu...but that is thanks to katrina(who will now focus on kisumai especially since they are promoting their single in the phils) that i am updated..i just feel so sad and lonely...waaaaaahhhhhhhhh..

sometimes it hurts when people who you had the chance to flail with..suddenly does not want your idol anymore...but life changes i know..and it will take sometime getting used to...

i am still looking forward to the chance i will have in december to watch tegomasu in concert..i am not sure...what will be the outcome..if i will love Tegoshi or Massu more...but at i wont be left wondering anymore how they sound live...because i will get to watch them infront of me..yey for that...

i dunno what to think anymore..i dont want to be sad...because there is nothing i can change..people change..i am just lucky i was given the chance to know them :D