Monday, July 15, 2013

my life...

hahaha..a post title so

i do have a lot of things on my mind...which supposed to be off my mind...the reason i decided to write..but i keep lazy...

today i had my induction training at my company..its the same company..i am like a new hire because i was converted from ac to dc...eheheheh...

it was surprising for me their speakers or presenters for every topic we need to know as new hire for a company..i enjoyed the talk on two speakers...the last one waa quite boring..i know my head almost lolling because i was sleepy..poor guy...i think most of us almost fell asleep...

back to the interesting speakers...i was really surprised because..for me an induction would take about the history of the company..yeah..they talked about company stuff..but their anecdotes make it more interesting because they fill it with interesting points like how to make yourself healthy both in body and mind...

they will pose questions that is basically challenging was refreshing to me..because lately i have been really not doing any good stuff for work...and now..i have to challenge myself because i am already a direct contract...its a new beginning for me...back to zero and i have yet to work hard to keep my job...

today as i was writing this...i asked i love my job? yet i don't have do any extra efforts to make my work more tolerable...i always sleep....hahahha...i have so many things on my mind...i want to clear it give way for other ideas to come up....

i need to step proactive...and contribute...i hope the will will be within me :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

hello 2013

been a long time..time really flies fast its 6 days after 2013....

congrats to me..being in malaysia for 6 months now...yey!!!..hahahaha....

i read back my previous post...i haven't really moved on...but alas i think i made small accomplishments..somehow...i opened my heart to my colleagues here in malaysia...i still have this anti-social habit...i don't really hang out that much...but somehow...little by little i think i am opening my world...

for friends...i will treasure those who people who have been a part of my life...may they be part of my current life or not..because i their own way..they have helped me a lot...

okay enough of the emote stuff...mwahahaha....

my 2013 has not really started with bang...its not really sad...i mean...its lonely because me and my sister was far from my family....miles away....but i am thankful for a good year has passed and looking forward to this year...

i have so many plans...i hope by God's grace all will be fulfilled....

my family...i hope i can make them go here in malaysia....this year..perhaps if i received or signed my extension..hahaha..positive thinking..i will stay for another 3 years or so here...but who knows....

my finances...i hope everything will be much better...2012 has been better for me...but i hope 2013 will much more better....i really need to save up...for a lot of things..XDDD

my fandom..hmmm...i am still looking forward to one day watching TEGOMASU hope of seeing SJM live has come true..they were here last December...makes me appreciate Zhou Mi...and the rest of them...but i hope I can watch them singing without a lot of screaming..i'd really like to appreciate their voices especially lets keep my fingers crossed....

okay im done here mwahahaha...thanks a lot!!