Sunday, June 26, 2016

overthinking...and my cents on my new housemate :) i watching and listening the 2014 voices of love concert of martin and regine..i still can't help but to overthink..hehehee my mind is push and pulling...lols

for almost a mind is already crying out...i don't want to hear another realizations..that don't want him in your life...he hurts you so can't bear the ears as well as my whole being has is screaming..move on girl...don't get stucked and be miserable...

and so if your boyfriend has so much pride and didn't want to talk to started it...please stop acting as a victim...*sighs*...sometimes its always ask people for opinions..and then just hurt yourself...and who is the one who always will saw you me me...i can't take it anymore...

and overthinking..if i feel you are quiet..something's goin' on through you..i feel i need to pull you out of this reverie..because im kinda feel guilty..and you know what..because i can't take it anymore sometimes..i have told to my friend...just for me to get my bearing again..i also did pray to the Lord..because I really need all the strength and wisdom..

i am always be a willing instrument...but as you mentioned...there's only much that our heart can take...i'm sorry if i do sometimes make you feel insensitive...for crying out loud...from 1 year still doubt the answer to your prayer...*sighs*..

oh wells...basta sana the Lord give me strength..more..and more patience and give me the right words to ease  and help with whatever you are going through now...