Tuesday, October 20, 2020

when you thought it just a simple green stalk then a flower blooms

i am happy today!!

hahahaa...i'm just happy to see one flower bloom in my jasmine plant..which is kinda unexpected...when i saw while looking at all my plants in the terrace - the little pink flower caught and it made me so excited to see it and show it to my mother and friends...

the world is such a beautiful place to live in..God is so wonderful and giving me this flower to bloom..

Lord Thank you Very Much...

in less than 12 days - October is gone and November will be coming and then December and voila 2020 is finished..hello 2021..hahhaa...

looking forward to it..

bye bye covid 19 - 😁

Monday, August 31, 2020

whew!! last day of august and its september tomorrow

 whew!! last day of august and its september tomorrow...how time really flies..and confirmed the rmco for my is effective until December 31..so this is really it..no christmas holiday in PH this year 2020...

i had a blast last year though it would be nice to go home this year and do the simbang gabi again but then..the church is practicing limited people too and the inconvenience of being quarantined.so hoping in dec 2021..its all good..

half a year working from home and not being able to go back to philippines even for a short period..no more travel also for these past months..only survived with shopping malls..so i decided to joined a friend of mine in their long drive to another town hahaha nature trip...just to appease my wandering heart..hahahaha..let's enjoy this break after a long time...😊

its funny  i read my tags hahaha all my ships are not sailing anymore hahahaa😏...tsk tsk..even my TM..hahaha...

that's life..and since its september tomorrow already - time to move on and do what must be done..

so JIA YOU..AJA AJA for me...in the last month of the 3rd quarter of the year..

i am looking forward for positive things and finishing all the things i am supposed to finish..

Saturday, July 4, 2020

hmmm isa pang hmmm --rants and whatnots hihihhi

hahahaha..its been a while - still wfh hahaha...and well im productive but kinda different kind of productive...hahahahaha...because i found a new hobby a.k.a addiction lols..i started reading BL novels mwahahahahahahaha as in seriously....i have a friend who actually linked me to some stuff but i didnt really check it until just recently maybe mid may...hahahaha....after i watched the untamed chinese drama series..i got curious with the novel...and so now instead of reading those dusted books on my bookshelves and working table...i read BL novels online and even read novels even when working and those NSFW...hahahaa i dont mind because im at home..mwahahahahahahahaha...

currently reading mr fashionable and it was so hilarious i can hear myself laughing out load at my home..the MC so adorable cute.....and the whatnots was inspired by this novel...

there are few quite BL novels that i seriously love..and has this reread factor for me...

grandmaster of demonic cultivation - hahaha how can i not love it after watching the untamed makes it more imaginative for me..hahhahaa...i have a face for wei ying and lang wang ji--those comedic chapters was more funnier in the drama...but the writer is good...even the snu snu is good hahahaha...
i have read it 3x already and im so happy found an epub copy and i save it in my sd card and read it on my tab(though im really thinking of buying a kindle wahahahahah)...

the legendary masters wife - omg this novel is the longest novel i have read and i didnt let put it down..read it during working time.i am like marathoning a drama for this...hahaha..i finished it in 4 days wahahahaha...and reread some fave chapters when i have the 'separation anxiety' hahaha...will probably read it again...in the near future...😁

strong offense and defense --reese and ni chuan can i just put them in my pocket...i think i fell in love with ni chuan here...i don't know hahahaa...the writer's POV of ni chuan for me is 😍 plus you got reese...hahaha..it was interesting because you get to learn something like basketball..haha i watch basketball when i was young and free wahahahaha...have my own basketball idols..hahaha..but this novel just takes me to basketball in a different level --mind you the good translation is still yet not complete in chrysantheum and i read it via MTL and even those head-aching grammar and sentences i still love it and now im patiently waiting for the good translation to finish...

love stops rumors --hahaha...maybe i have a fetish for mc's that are comedic and very indignant on their i am straight mantra --- hahahaa...this is short and sweet and i just love xiao nian hahaha so doting to his wei rusong hahahahaa...

i still have more but maybe i will post another time..

another surprising news i found and i am actually late i think - was that tegoshi is not with NEWS anymore...awtss so from 9 became 6 then 4 and now 3-nin NEWS...i feel bad for NEWS eventhough i am not active being a fangirl of them  anymore..well i super like them before but i think now only like them...not sure when did i fell out of love from them..and tegoshi was my ichiban during those years...but i know somewhere along the way he is not anymore...

the sad part for me - i never got the chance to tegomass or NEWS live concert in japan...huhuhu..anyway still a sore part when i was rejected for a japanese visa..and i still owe kei a lot of money....i guess...its time to move on na talaga from JE...

im getting older anyway....

and by the way - after reading so much BL stories ---it is weird for me to ship my idols anymore not sure why...siguro kasi laht ng ship ko lumubog from boy-girl to boy-boy..hahahaha...

i will always be thankful for those couple i shipped kasi. they helped get through all this time...

till next time...ciaooo.

Friday, May 1, 2020

wfh quarantine mco and drama marathons hahaha

well here i am blogging away on 2nd month of being lockdown to covid 19..

i was able to adjust already it takes time though and i missed just walking around the mall and eatng those foods outside...

although  i do marathons even before the lockdown hahaha..during this time of lockdown it has gotten intense hahaha...for the last few weeks i finished the following CN dramas....and seriously they are the apple of my eye right now..hhahaa got tons of unfinished watch list for kdrama on netflix..

Love by Hypnotic - i so loved the main couple here..the female lead is cute and not a damsel in distress...and the male lead of course he is handsome...the plot is quite cute...it was 36 episodes but of course i fast forwarded some...hahaha...those related with villains..hahaha...loving the chemistry of the main couple..i hope they get to work again..hahaha

Ten Peach Blossoms or Eternal Love - i finished 58 episodes hahaha..this was a slow one...the first few episodes is dragging  as always when its only 20 episodes left it gets better...i love ali...the child..the actor is so cute...the sweetness of of the main couple and how they look good together..and it really makes me go aww..3 lifetimes and you still have the same feeling as fated to be..

My Girlfriend is an Alien - one of the recent ones i have watch...and damn..how hot is fang leng...and how cute xiao qi drooling over fang leng's chest...and how cute fang lie...uggh...this show..makes you laugh because of the silliness of the alien xiao qi..and makes you squeal how even you forgot someone in your memory - the feelings still there....

The Untamed - this is my latest one ..luckily for me i have low expectation for this..it was hype last year..and as this was from a BL novel..of course the novel got popular too..where do i start - that i love how Wei Ying is so freakingly handsome with those adorable smiles- how literally he masters the changes in facial expressions on what he feels...or is it how those adorable little smile that lan wangji give...hahhhaa..seriously besides the visual..the acting for this cdrama is well done...as well as the evolvement of the characters...the complicated reasons on why they did those things.....i was at verge waiting for those 16 years to finish and it took 38 episodes out of the 50 episodes......and wei ying is smiling again naturally..and he was saved by lan wangji  and they are always together...and how nice he is a senior to those his junior(i just love that i realized immediately shizui is the ah yuan kid that always cling to their legs)...and can i add wen ning - i just want to hug him and protect him....
i will be trying to read the translated novel..though i read it was an erotica fiction..so lets see...if i will like the book more than the drama...but i think i will still love the untamed drama version just because of the visuals hahahahaa...

Thursday, April 30, 2020

omg -- yun lang

hahhaa..i read back my previous post - i just realized i missed being friends with my fangirl friends...deym..nikain ako ng real life ko hahahaa....charots....

bu then i think - im still a fangirl at heart - if i had the chance i watch kpop concerts here in MY...last one was hyorin--waaaahh her face is small..and she's so tiny and prettyyyyyy and sexyyyy..the stage presence...awesome..now im praying and hoping stray kids and kard...na alam ko na andito sila hahaha...

being a fangirl helped me a lot cope up being away from home...i am not sure..im more at home abroad than at my own family home in bulacan..maybe its because..i dont really have the same space i have here in MY...but anyhow...just want to let my thoughts out for the recent kdramas cdramas i have watched...hehehee


hotel de luna is one of those kdramas that i will never forget --hahaha im not sure if i will watch it again...maybe...those ghosts...the make up artist should be applauded - they are so scary there was one scene which looks like a sadako one..as in sa tv ko lalabas..hahahaha...
the main couple lead actress and actor 2nd time time only i have watched...hahahaha

IU - this pretty lady not only captured my heart in scarlet..i love her pallette song...i must check when is her concert in MY..and grab some tickets