all day i browsed the internet and since im going gaga over the korean version of Boys over Flowers aka Hana Yori Dango aka Meteor Garden..hehehehe..i decided to read some spoilers..which made me so much curious on the next episodes im supposed to watch hehehehe..and i wanted to see more half naked pics of Gun Jun Pyo..bwahahhaa *pervert smile*..that guy is adorable and lovable..
my two cents for the korean version of this so popular anime, manga and live action series..
i have watched the previous versions meteor garden and hana yori dango, taiwanese and japanese version respectively...you can't help but compared the different versions especially if you have watched them all..but i say they all have their own charm..i did not read the manga as well as watch the anime..i dont think i will be able to because i have already watch all the 3 live action version makes me familiar with the storyline now...
im so loving the korean version..i am saying these even only after watching the first 10 episodes..they said it will go until 24 or 26 episodes...the first 10 episodes was really enjoyable and fun and interesting..though i just noticed something...they dont really like remembering what happened to the previous episodes..im not sure if its because time is their enemy...hehehehe...in short dont count on so much continuity hehehehe
i was squealing in delight with all the expressions in Gun Jun Pyo..gawd..my fangirling heart kicks in...and i love his curly hair..and i like the way they portrayed the Domyouji character because he is not stupid as the domyouji in hanadan..i guess he only become so innocent in dealing with Jan Di and emotions that are new to him...
the actress who play the Jan Di/Makino character is just plain nice..at first I thought she was just plain...and sometimes she exaggerates...but what i love her is her cuteness and the way she tackles her role..she can be so pretty when dolled up...
the actor who played Ji Hoo/Rui character is prettier than Jan Di..he is an eyecandy thus forgiving him for some lack of expressions on his part when he needs to..and its his first time acting too..but not really bad...i really like the way he portrayed his character as suave and poised and really looking good...though i pity him that he really fell for Jan Di when Jan Di will only see him as a good friend....
Yi Jung guy - the playboyactually the flirt ....he is such a cutie...any girl who see's his smile will sure melt their heart away..and Ga Eul(Jan Di's bestfriend) is really cute too..and they looked good together....im still not sure if they will touch this relationship into a higher level since the two versions did not so much...
the other guy of the F4 don't make an impression on me yet...hehehee....so i will save my comments for him..hehehee...