Tuesday, February 17, 2009


just got a glimpse of ver's profile in facebook(well i never thought he had one because when tito dan add me i tried so hard to find him but facebook only returned zero results)..i was surprised..glad...but i didn't add him...i just checked LT photos for zsa zsa saturnah and other friends...did my heart went doki doki...hehehe..chotto.....i know i was over him..i have already accepted the fact that telling him that I have fallen in love with him was one of the biggest embarrassment and mistake I did in my life...demo i can laugh and smile when thinking about it..but i can't help but feel nostalgic when i think about it sometime...i still miss him..wishing things didn't turn out that way..that he is still one of the closest friend i have and we can still talked till the sun is up and share what's going on ...

i thought being honest is good but it has its own downside..not everyone can accept your feelings or reciprocate it(i kinda expected it)...i was too blind i guess..hahhaa...but i will always be thankful for what he did to me that time..i wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for that experience..letting go is very hard especially for us humans..and its also not good to expect...you will always feel disappointed..but don't let this ugly human side stopped you from enjoying everything around you...

the world doesn't stop if he doesn't love you back..be thankful you were able to tell or show him how you feel..you may feel embarrassed for the meantime but im sure in time you will laugh thinking of it... treasure all the good memories..this will make you feel better...

i still don't know what i will feel when i finally meet rev again..but one thing for sure..i want to meet him and smile and hug him as if nothing happened....because not only did fall in love with him but because i will always look at him as one of the treasured friends i was lucky enough to meet in this lifetime...

i sound mushy...my first personal post in this tego-flailing blog of mine...hehehehee

my latest fav pic of tego...

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