Tuesday, August 3, 2010

why oh why

sometimes i really hate myself being affected like this over fandom things..but well..i am a fangirl..maybe i will just stick to reading fanfictions..because somehow fanfictions gave me what i asked for..

i have read a fanreport about the last concert of tegomasu..i am not actually pissed off at tegomasu..somehow despite my grievances and rant before the tour...it was all forgotten when i read an objective fanreport...and well basing from the pictures i saw...my favorite boys has indeed had a lot of fun and memories to cherished for...

okay first...im really pissed at the one who write the fanrep..we know her biasness..but well..her fanreps really rubbed me off wrong...and he is one of the many reasons...now..that..i loathe having a lot of friends on LJ...and the truth is...i was envious of her before when she watched tegomasu no uta last year..but now...everytime i read something from i totally expected it to be tegoshi biased...you can see the difference..in the way she describes tegoshi passionately while its like nonchalance on massu..i understand she doesn't like massu...but anyway...

i just realized...as i stay longer in the fandom...it turns out..i really like TegoMasu better....even if you gave me NEWS...i will watch it because there's tegomasu....i will support the album they will released because...i am one of those who waited for them..but i am not sure..if will still support them next time....

aaahhh....fandom fandom again...............

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