Monday, December 27, 2010

i need to forget you

*sighs*..i should be sleeping getting ready for my beauty rest and keep my mind relax..but i sent you a comment in FB...greeting you merry christmas and a happy new year...and yes..a safe trip..

how long will i keep you in my i really need someone physically to forget you..why am i holding on to you...i know...its my fault..whatever...that i have lost your friendship..or maybe i am just too much reacting.....i should never be guilty...about what happened..i fell in love..told you..and got rejected..what is else is there..and well i are one of a kind...

i need to forget you..i need to move on....even as a friend i dont think you see me as one..i am only one of the few acquaitances you have met in your 27 years of life...and my chapter with you has been finished...i should have accepted it a long time ago...

if i ever got the chance to be hired to our company before..i will be long time before i see you....though i think its okay to see you before you go somewhere...lets see if i can do it..and does not become a coward...


i love you still but i need to forget you....

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

i am not really yet ready to be with you...:(

such a long time since i visited here...hehehe...i am actually in the philippines already so i can access all sites na, facebook and of course blogspot....

22 days has passed since i dont have work...i do become bored sometimes....but i need to enjoy this..who knows what might next job bring me to..i do pray for a job abroad..but if its in the Philippines....hopefully i can be posted abroad...

i love my family yes...but...they are a little too much for me...sometimes..i feel like regretting my decision to leave china...but then...i was like i need to move forward...i have think it over so many times...and i only regret it when i encounter some issues with money...*sighs*

i am positive i will find a new job in 2011..i am praying hard for it..and just yesterday i received a call a phone interview from one of my previous companies....i know i am thinking ahead..but i can't help it...and then yesterday i found are the team leader of my friend from mind have already thought a lot of things..but one thing i am really sure....i am still not yet ready to be with you or be under you...i know i prayed so hard to the Lord, to be able to forget you and just get on with my life..i am not sure why am i hesitating're happy..i can say i am happy....and i really wanted to renew our friendship...i feel its not yet the right time...and when is the right time..i am not sure..i want to meet with you again...but at this point..i am vulnerable...i dont can i face you...

you are an outstanding person...successful...and you shine brightly...i dont want to be blinded by it....i have my own success in the last 4 years..but compared to you....i feel will never belittle me i know're too nice to be like that....but somehow...i want to meet you again..if i am proud of myself again....i do have a stubborn pride....