Sunday, August 14, 2011

thank God...and it's such a long time..

from my previous..THANK GOD..i now have work.....its one of my previous company..and it was not under him..hihihihihi..but another was a new friends...getting busy again...but still missing living alone...hihihihi..and of course the convenient of having your home near your office..i usually spent 2 hours everyday for the commute...and i can getting used to riding bus again in the city..despite missing the open window buses in dalian....

God has never left me all through the times i was jobless....i have a friend whom i turned to financial help..when im down..but there are too many lessons learned this time that i dont want it to happen again....

so many things have happened since the last time i posted...but of course...on most cases i was really busy...coping up with my new work..since it was really a slightly different one from last time..and the expectation from how do i say..stressful..mwahahhaa...

in fandom...i think...since there are not much happenings with NEWS and Tegomasu not until recently they announced their 3rd live tour..which made me too happy and planning to watch it with kei..we made plans already..with God's blessing im sure it will push through.. and im excited for it...but well...i love TegoMasu still but i dont really follow any solo stuff they do...i think my being starstrucked with Tegoshi is gone too..i love him still..but i love him more if he is with massu...than anything else...and i can say...i am not a diehard fan of him anymore...i still love him..enjoyed watching him sing..but thats it...sorry're not as good as i think you are anymore like before..but thank you still for making me smile...and sometimes it makes me question how can you do that while i cant....and i will still support you and massu..and i can still say..that if ever you and massu decide to be together..i will be one of the happy people :D

im still distracted with my Qmi...I hope i get the chance to watch an SJM concert....*sighs*..i wanna see kyu baby and mimi....

i think my mind is relaxing now...hehehe..the reason i cant because of you still clueless why i cant just be casual with everything with you..and why do i feel will still ignore me ...i think i really need to get your picture not really inlove with you anymore..more like i feel awkward sometimes..because of what happenened..and i hope before you get back the philippines and got the chance to meet again..i can meet you with a smile..not awkward....

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