Saturday, October 1, 2011

i have too much on my mind....

just finished watching SCP Premium with Tegoshi and another japanese artist as guest...i am not sure if its really been a long time since i have my fave pretty boy in JE that watching him on that show...i think he has grown up..on most interviews i always find him intimidating or over confident....though i know my love for him has really went down the drain..mwahahaha...

from being someone who i obsessively love way back before..i managed to maybe mature or became immature as a fan of him...i dont really follow him as a solo artist anymore...i always watched his shows if massu is there..if not...i just read posts or blogs about it...and despite his flaws..somehow i managed to oversee it if he is with massu...

but watching him not sure if they are really rested or whatever..but he seems happy..and healthy...and i kinda like it..massu despite his weird fashion sense..still never ages..and manages to surprise me...and really I LOVE TEGOMASU...and im looking forward to watching them in japan this december...

yey..for surviving six months in my work in the phils...and yey..for being able to travel to korea...and what else...yey for the trip in december...

i have too much on my mind..that i lost track of themmm but one thing..i miss my tegomasu friend that i flail tegomasu...and i miss mama gay and mama jade....*sighs*

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