Saturday, December 31, 2011

goodbye 2011

its the last day of just a few hours hello 2012...i am not sure if this post will be a recap of what happened to me in 2011 or just plain blog thingy...hehhehehee

2011 has been one bumpy journey for me...until the end of the march...i was not working...then finally i got work..meeting new friends and new people...they made this journey more interesting..but somehow something is missing...i am missing my overseas life despite me being alone there...this is one part of my life that should be changed in 2012..i need to work overseas again...

financially...i get by...i have debts from friends..but somehow i manage to pay them...well my family is struggling still the best way to deal with budgeting our money with the addition of new family to us..but oh is money...right currently trying to read some articles on personal application for a tourist visa to japan triggered this strongly since i was not granted a visa...with that i decided i need to prove that i am capable...and will apply again by the 3rd quarter of 2012...

my fandom...before i write this post..just checking out some stuff hehehe...well i am praying for success for 4NIN NEWS and well as Zhou mi and Kyuhun(i am so waiting for SJM comeback..because separated QMI and indifferent QMI is no no to me..please)...errr as for YongSeo..i am not sure how my support materialized because there is no chance they will be together since both are from popular groups...hehehehe..eniweis..anything can happen...

and you...hmmm i sometimes catch your updates in FB...traveling and shopping...then saw your aged...errr not beautifully....i am still undecided if i should proceed befriending you like before despite the huge gap we have....but somehow after thinking about it...i'll let it go..i will just leave it to fate what will happen to us if we meet again and got a chance to work again..there has been a huge gap for us to catch up with each maybe next time we meet...everything is good...and we'll start new...again thank you...i hope we both find the happiness we are looking for :xD

happy new year!!!!!

goodbye 2011 hello 2012

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