Saturday, March 30, 2024

whew march is ending today

 time really flies so fast look the first 3 months of the year has will be ending today..

THANK YOU LORD for getting me thru this day

not sure if i have slept thru midnight after waking up to take a pee (hahaha slept around 9 pm last night - yeah body aging mwahahahah)

on positive note - i got normal BLOOD SUGAR on my health screening *jumps happily* thank you thank you Lord...

what else do you i need to say..

Lord let your will be done on my CANADIAN journey and the journey i want to take like new job with of course upgraded salary and benefits...

as for my house - thank you Lord for this 10 years sheltering my family all thru this time...

i will wait for the time you give me a new house that we can call home...

Thank You Lord!

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