Monday, January 19, 2009

bloody monday

finally i have finished bloody monday a series which miura haruma starred in..i just realized today is also monday...

the series is okay...but i wish they have more cliff hanging moments in the last episode..but nonetheless..still one of the best suspense dramas i have watched...

hmmm so far i think one of the best roles miura haruma got..though...i was pissed off during the times he acted so baka...i he really it was obvious everything was set up..and oh how i wish there were more takeru-kun and haruma scenes...its not enough..bwahahahaha...

and sometimes their make up foundation are too thick i can see it ..and the story can get by without the other girl bwahahaha...the one who like miura bwahahhaa....

lastly...i hated the J character but then loved him at the end...he look so cool...hehehehe....

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