Saturday, January 17, 2009

tego in a skirt

im back from my trip in macau..hehehe it was fun...but on my last day i had a big problem..hehehe..

hehehe actually im wishing i'll bump into tegoshi bwahahhaa..wishful thinking..and i don't think they will go around macau unnoticed bwahahhaa...but im sure they will enjoy it...

when i was in macau..maybe i missed NEWS too much..hahaha so when I saw the video of SNOW EXPRESS Live Performance(from their Wonderful News DVD) i sorta scream and my friend was asking who was that..of course she doesn't know them hehehehe...I told here a Japanese band..hehehehe...

and i was able to access my LJ even for a few minutes in macau...and just in time to see posts update about tegoshi dressing up as a girl..and kissing keii-chan..seriously...hmmm i was surprised..but not really flailing and tego is really a pretty can a boy be as pretty as he is...actually now im wondering if tego is gay..bwahahhaa...

and i realized one thing..i think i really love tegoshi..hehhee..not that im complaining...i mean with all the bad things i read written about him...he still got me interested...unlike with some of the guys I fangirl it good or bad...bwahahhaa..oh well..whatever he is..i really like him errr...LOVE him hehehehe....

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