hehehe..i have changed the layout of this blog again..and finally i have finished the NEwS survey entry..but darn it..it was not the way it was supposed to be..but i gave up..i almost spent 2 nights just fixing that post...so i will leave as it be...
..but speaking of change...hehehe...yesterday i joined the international forum for NEwS..hahaha fangirling again..i checked out some pictures of the group and mochiron i wouldn't pass any infor about my dear tegoshi...as well as massu..but well there are more pictures of tegoshi than massu...
i did read the tegoshi yuya gallery part..the magazine translations..his photos...rumors..and i never thought that he and gakky went out together be it true or not...in short, i almost spent my office hours yesterday just browsing thru the forum..and it was fun and interesting..
there are a lot of things that i was able to learn from the forum..especially about tegoshi...massu..
and reading from their magazine translations...i realized...the following things about Tego and Massu
1. Tego is a smart guy by the way he answers those questions, or maybe because he is studying psychology and just ignore the fact that drawing is not one of his best abilities...
2. Tego really love singing and music...(I am looking forward to the time wherein he can have an acoustic live...and guesting the whole group)
3. Tego is doted upon by the other members...from Yamapi even Shige too...
4. Though on TV Tego may act like a spoiled brat(well he doesn't have sibling)..i think he is just very honest..sometimes too much..people misunderstand him....
5. Massu is a simple minded guy...
6. Massu really love the group..
7. Tego and Massu are opposites hahhaa...what I mean is Tego can be very vocal and honest about everything while Massu want to keep it to himself...hehehe...they really do complement each other
8. Massu is very shy..hehehehe while Tego is talkative...
hahaaha..i guess i noticed too much about Tego than Massu...

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