from wikipedia:
Fan fiction (alternately referred to as fanfiction, fanfic, FF, fanon, or fic) is a broadly-defined term for stories about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creator.
just writing this post makes me feel giddy all over again...hahaha...that's how i feel everytime i remember those fluffy fanfic written on LJ for tegomassu....*SQUEAL
those fanfic writers are really good..the plot and storyline are believable and you can't help imagine it in your mind...and honestly i have a vivid imagination...
i think it would be a long time before i can accept the fact of tegoshi dating a girl bwahahaa...because i want him for massu...damn i can't of anything to write because i kept thinking all those fanfic stories...waaaaaaaaaaahhh......
i have to write it would not make sense if i wont...bwahhahaa..tonikaku what i love about those fanfics are the tegomass rabu rabu...they are sweet(im having goosebumps now..bwahahaha)as bheng said kinikilig ako...shamerss talaga.....
they are bestfriends and fell in love with each's not hard to imagine those sweet, angst, jealousy, fight, and the best part is the making up part)..who wouldn't squeal when tego tried to be so sweet hugging ang kissing massu sweetly...waaaaaaaaahh....i have to going crazy nuts over them now....
and tegomass fanfic are addicting bwahhahaa....
bheng-chan arigatou gozaimasu for the this tegomass pic...i love it....mwahugss....
Remember... Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and Never regret anything that made you smile..
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
1 litre of tears
finally i have watched 1 litre of tears..and my gawd i was crying all throughout the trash can was full of eyes got fluffy the morning after...but all in all...i enjoyed watching the drama..
this is such a good drama..i salute the production staff and cast itself..they have indeed done a great job!
some random comments on this drama:
- ryo is a very good actor...this is one of his best works..(that's from all the ryo's dramas i have watched)..i can't help but want to comfort him when he was will want to hug him and wipe those tears away....
- erika sawajiri is a good actress...first time i have seen her in a drama...she's convincingly played the role well...and ryo and her look good together...
- riko-chan the girl from honey and clover is equally convincing in her role...and she does easily cry ne...
- i admire the whole family of aya for being there all throughout she is battling with her sickness...
- fujiki naohito really looks cool as the doctor...he really looks kakkoi when he played a role of doctor this is the second time i have watched play a doctor...and no need to question it...nao is really a versatile it supporting or a lead role...hehehee
all in all i love this drama..tear jerker yet heartwarming and inspiring...
this is such a good drama..i salute the production staff and cast itself..they have indeed done a great job!
some random comments on this drama:
- ryo is a very good actor...this is one of his best works..(that's from all the ryo's dramas i have watched)..i can't help but want to comfort him when he was will want to hug him and wipe those tears away....
- erika sawajiri is a good actress...first time i have seen her in a drama...she's convincingly played the role well...and ryo and her look good together...
- riko-chan the girl from honey and clover is equally convincing in her role...and she does easily cry ne...
- i admire the whole family of aya for being there all throughout she is battling with her sickness...
- fujiki naohito really looks cool as the doctor...he really looks kakkoi when he played a role of doctor this is the second time i have watched play a doctor...and no need to question it...nao is really a versatile it supporting or a lead role...hehehee
all in all i love this drama..tear jerker yet heartwarming and inspiring...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
yuya getting hyper again these days over tegoshi hahahaa..what's new with that..bwahahahhaa
hahaha as if someone is reading my blog..hahaha maybe sometime....i will let others know about it....not just maya-chan( ey gurl how are you doing..its been a while)
besides squealing with delight with the latest magazine scans of my dear tegoshi..i also stumbled upon a lot of translations of massu's radio show...and it seems so happy...and im so biased hahaha i like the translations which always involved tegoshi..these two are so meant to be bwahahaha...i guess that's the reason why i dont see tegoshi dating a girl bwahahaha...coz he is for massu...hahahahaha...
and another thing that makes me so cheerful these days eventhough work isn't practically at all that busy...was it ever busy..wahahhahaa....i made a new online friend(bheng)..i mean we can talk in YM..and my kadaldalan is getting busy so glad we started talking online..she is such a sweet girl hahahaa..and i love her for telling me that I dont look like my age...bwahahhaa..i really loved people who always tell me i dont look my age....and another thing we have in common is our obsession with tego you see...tego's love is spreading...and i hope one day i can be tegoshi's friend or oneechan...think BIG...bwahhaha....
to end my endless blabber for tegoshi...of course..there should be a kinda missing it in my post...charan...presenting tegoshi yuya desu!
eniweis..just saw some recent magazine photo of tegoshi...gawd this boy is getting uver-cute these days...and his chubby cheeks are getting back....and im loving blabbering again
hahaha as if someone is reading my blog..hahaha maybe sometime....i will let others know about it....not just maya-chan( ey gurl how are you doing..its been a while)
tegoshi is really so uver-cute these days..i love his current hairstyle..makes you want to squish him...and in Aprin NEWS will release a new im torn on buying it or not...hehehe...coz im waiting for the Winter Diamond Party not sure how many songs are there..haven't checked it out in CD Japan and my friend might scold me since I'm in for a big cash flow out next month..hayy.....
besides squealing with delight with the latest magazine scans of my dear tegoshi..i also stumbled upon a lot of translations of massu's radio show...and it seems so happy...and im so biased hahaha i like the translations which always involved tegoshi..these two are so meant to be bwahahaha...i guess that's the reason why i dont see tegoshi dating a girl bwahahaha...coz he is for massu...hahahahaha...
and another thing that makes me so cheerful these days eventhough work isn't practically at all that busy...was it ever busy..wahahhahaa....i made a new online friend(bheng)..i mean we can talk in YM..and my kadaldalan is getting busy so glad we started talking online..she is such a sweet girl hahahaa..and i love her for telling me that I dont look like my age...bwahahhaa..i really loved people who always tell me i dont look my age....and another thing we have in common is our obsession with tego you see...tego's love is spreading...and i hope one day i can be tegoshi's friend or oneechan...think BIG...bwahhaha....
to end my endless blabber for tegoshi...of course..there should be a kinda missing it in my post...charan...presenting tegoshi yuya desu!
Monday, March 23, 2009
winter dramas
sugee...i have finished two dramas for the winter season for quite surprised at myself actually...hahahaha...actually i only watched the popular ones and nice story...
okay..the first one i have finished was mei-chan no shitsuji...waaaaaaaaaahh all throughout the whole series im wanting mizhushima hiro-kun for a butler for myself...he looks so kakkoii in this series...eventhough his character only allowed limited emotions..but i so loved him when he became very concern with his ojou-sama - err (will correct this if i found this wrong..the english word is lady) hihihi...eikura nana is one lucky actress, he was kissed by hiro-kun and matsumuto jun hahaha..two ikemens...hehehe..i think if she was the girl on the live action of lovely would have been better..yabai getting out of topic....sato takeru is just cute..hahaha..well im just glad he has more lines in here than bloody monday..i think being a best friend to miura haruma in bloody monday..he did not have enough exposure
i love the love triangle..but i heard there will be a has a good rating hehehe...and i hope mei-sama and rihito-sama will be together...i don't want to read the too lazy...
the other characters are also loved...even yamada yu aka lucia-sama..gosh she's really pretty even when crying...hope she and oguri shun end up together... she is a very good actress...hehehe...all in all it was lighthearted series i will definitely enjoy watching again like hanakimi..speaking of hanakimi-- maki-chan looks kawaii in her new series.. Atashinchi no Danshi..there was trailer for that...hahaha..even though she had to look dirty like a beggar..she still looks pretty...kawaii...calling YAMAPI...hahhahaa...
the second drama was Uta No Oniisan..i am just really curious when I read sakurai sho is guesting hahaha...i love sho in kizasaru cat's i just started with the whole series and was really curious on his singing voice..hahaha...well it was more than i expected hahaa....i mean not the voice..hahaha the drama itself..Ohno is a good actor i think..demo he seems thinner he looks more cute when he put on some more pounds maybe its his image now especially after hearing people about his role on maou--i neved had time to watch it since i am still not finished with mawang hehehe....the whole series(Uta no Onii-san) is beautiful..i love the lessons...especially for me who is struggling from boredomness in my work recently...its like a something a refresher for you...the song is catchy too...hehehehe....
all in all..the two series i have finished are good..still working on downloading some of the other winter dramas...joi-chan said Voice is i will try to download it...then i also want to watch Kame's drama..i always like Kame acting....
okay..the first one i have finished was mei-chan no shitsuji...waaaaaaaaaahh all throughout the whole series im wanting mizhushima hiro-kun for a butler for myself...he looks so kakkoii in this series...eventhough his character only allowed limited emotions..but i so loved him when he became very concern with his ojou-sama - err (will correct this if i found this wrong..the english word is lady) hihihi...eikura nana is one lucky actress, he was kissed by hiro-kun and matsumuto jun hahaha..two ikemens...hehehe..i think if she was the girl on the live action of lovely would have been better..yabai getting out of topic....sato takeru is just cute..hahaha..well im just glad he has more lines in here than bloody monday..i think being a best friend to miura haruma in bloody monday..he did not have enough exposure
i love the love triangle..but i heard there will be a has a good rating hehehe...and i hope mei-sama and rihito-sama will be together...i don't want to read the too lazy...
the other characters are also loved...even yamada yu aka lucia-sama..gosh she's really pretty even when crying...hope she and oguri shun end up together... she is a very good actress...hehehe...all in all it was lighthearted series i will definitely enjoy watching again like hanakimi..speaking of hanakimi-- maki-chan looks kawaii in her new series.. Atashinchi no Danshi..there was trailer for that...hahaha..even though she had to look dirty like a beggar..she still looks pretty...kawaii...calling YAMAPI...hahhahaa...
the second drama was Uta No Oniisan..i am just really curious when I read sakurai sho is guesting hahaha...i love sho in kizasaru cat's i just started with the whole series and was really curious on his singing voice..hahaha...well it was more than i expected hahaa....i mean not the voice..hahaha the drama itself..Ohno is a good actor i think..demo he seems thinner he looks more cute when he put on some more pounds maybe its his image now especially after hearing people about his role on maou--i neved had time to watch it since i am still not finished with mawang hehehe....the whole series(Uta no Onii-san) is beautiful..i love the lessons...especially for me who is struggling from boredomness in my work recently...its like a something a refresher for you...the song is catchy too...hehehehe....
all in all..the two series i have finished are good..still working on downloading some of the other winter dramas...joi-chan said Voice is i will try to download it...then i also want to watch Kame's drama..i always like Kame acting....
Sunday, March 22, 2009
i promised to continue my unsolicited comments on the two concerts of NEWS i have watched on downloaded videos..hehehe i dont own one...but im sure I will be..hahaha so eagerly waiting for the Winter Diamond Party dvd...
okay here it is for the Pacific concert..
im not really impressed with the Pacific concert ...or maybe i was too awed by the NEWS Wonderful story since it was the time they debut again so they have to create noise hehehe...
i hate the fact there is no solo for Massu...while even Shige has..isn't unfair...
i like how even Sho-kun and Nino-kun fanboys Tegoshi hahaha...oh the kiss on the shoulder by Nino-kun to Ryo..was funny...i love Ryo's reaction...
i love the live singing hehehe...i mean just look at how Tego reacted when Ryo didn't sing the last part...hahaha....
who can forget the hot way Yamapi so hot way of unzipping his shirt during the Gomen Ne Juliet Solo...
and they only showed one Tegomass song...but I like the song...hehehe and the other members singing along with them and dancing...hehehe silently...
see..i have shorter comments for Pacific concert...
i still love them performing LIVE hehehe but Pacific concert did not meet my expectations..hopefully WDP will...because every NEWS fan is so waiting for that DVD...
but there is one thing I was impressed by the water or fountain as backdrop during the Hoshi Wo Mezashite song...sugee ne..and i just recently found was Massu's idea..hehehe...
okay here it is for the Pacific concert..
im not really impressed with the Pacific concert ...or maybe i was too awed by the NEWS Wonderful story since it was the time they debut again so they have to create noise hehehe...
i hate the fact there is no solo for Massu...while even Shige has..isn't unfair...
i like how even Sho-kun and Nino-kun fanboys Tegoshi hahaha...oh the kiss on the shoulder by Nino-kun to Ryo..was funny...i love Ryo's reaction...
i love the live singing hehehe...i mean just look at how Tego reacted when Ryo didn't sing the last part...hahaha....
who can forget the hot way Yamapi so hot way of unzipping his shirt during the Gomen Ne Juliet Solo...
and they only showed one Tegomass song...but I like the song...hehehe and the other members singing along with them and dancing...hehehe silently...
see..i have shorter comments for Pacific concert...
i still love them performing LIVE hehehe but Pacific concert did not meet my expectations..hopefully WDP will...because every NEWS fan is so waiting for that DVD...
but there is one thing I was impressed by the water or fountain as backdrop during the Hoshi Wo Mezashite song...sugee ne..and i just recently found was Massu's idea..hehehe...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
bored..then watch NEWS
i've been really bored and restless for these past few is still the same not at all challenging...i am not sure if its really me who has the problem...eniwei since im bored and restless..i decided to watch NEWS concert videos again again and again maybe i can find some encouragement watching them..but definitely they make smile everytime i watch it....these made me realize i am glad that I have only known NEWS with the 6 member offense to Notti(because i agree he has a good singing voice and dance very well) and Uchi(he's the muse of old NEWS what else is there to say) fans...
i started with the Pacific Concert...then to NEWS Wonderful Story(which I very much like)...but both concerts has its charm...i will highlight what are the things I like and don't like in each concert...
NEWS Wonderful Story
- the energy they showed everytime they go on stage and sing Stand UP - perfect opening song for their comeback
- the flying in Teppen kakkoii...eventhough Yamapi got dizzy...hahaha..but it really looks cool..
- TegoMass...i love how the way their voices blended so well together even if Tego and Massu are on the faraway opposite sides...their song is still music to your ears..
- all the old songs sang by 6 member only..and after seeing the concert videos a couple of times it confirmed my assumption that not everyone sings LIVE on concerts..hahaha...especially those with dance moves...i guess its pretty hard singing and dancing at the same time...but for singing LIVE on most parts, Tegoshi, Massu and Ryo are the ones I always notice singing live...but i guess because they are the one who are really good at singing..born with talent hehehe not trained....
- everyone has a SOLO part, Tegoshi really looks kakkoi in his white jacket with fur and white hat singing his solo STARS.. Massu was awesome in his PUMPKIN solo..the way he dance is really good...Shige was so funny in his SOLO i can't imagine him doing that kind of jazzy thing...Koyama was so sexy in his dance moves in LOVE ADDICTION...Yamapi was HOT singing and dancing to his GOMEN NE JULIET(and I love the fact that Ryo and Tego back dance with him)..Ryo's CODE is simply rockish...hehehe...but he's so cool with the guitar and everything...
- the Behind the Scenes
it was really funny when Ryo and Tegoshi bullied on Shige...and Shige was really cool with it...the food each has prepared all seems delicious hehehe..but I dont think I will eat what Ryo prepared in Fukuoka wahahhaa...what I like about this BTS videos are they seems to be having friends just hanging out together...but there a lot of things I have noticed, one, Massu doesn't seem to be in some of the off scenes much except when eating or rehearsing onstage ...i wonder why...second Koyama, Shige and Tegoshi always comes together or travel together..and looks pretty as in close friends...and I was surprised that Shige even got to taste Tegoshi's ramen in Sapporo...actually from this I think Tegoshi and Shige are pretty much close since they are the same age though Shige sometimes complain Tegoshi don't respect him hehehe...but im sure it will not surpass KoyaShige's closeness...RyoPi is already legendary...i am not sure if Massu is really shy because Tegoshi is not...hahaha...and by they still look kakkoi more in their casual clothes than in their concert outfits...especially Tegoshi..dang he really look kawaii...i think I can now understand why Shige answered in Kei-chans's radio that he wanted to be Tegoshi when he will be reborn as NEWS member hehehehe....
and before I forget..i just have to say it..their concert outfits are so hideous(arrgghh) gawd...aren't they suffocating because of all the heavy concert outfits...
i'll stop here be continued for Pacific concert...ja ne...
i started with the Pacific Concert...then to NEWS Wonderful Story(which I very much like)...but both concerts has its charm...i will highlight what are the things I like and don't like in each concert...
NEWS Wonderful Story
- the energy they showed everytime they go on stage and sing Stand UP - perfect opening song for their comeback
- the flying in Teppen kakkoii...eventhough Yamapi got dizzy...hahaha..but it really looks cool..
- TegoMass...i love how the way their voices blended so well together even if Tego and Massu are on the faraway opposite sides...their song is still music to your ears..
- all the old songs sang by 6 member only..and after seeing the concert videos a couple of times it confirmed my assumption that not everyone sings LIVE on concerts..hahaha...especially those with dance moves...i guess its pretty hard singing and dancing at the same time...but for singing LIVE on most parts, Tegoshi, Massu and Ryo are the ones I always notice singing live...but i guess because they are the one who are really good at singing..born with talent hehehe not trained....
- everyone has a SOLO part, Tegoshi really looks kakkoi in his white jacket with fur and white hat singing his solo STARS.. Massu was awesome in his PUMPKIN solo..the way he dance is really good...Shige was so funny in his SOLO i can't imagine him doing that kind of jazzy thing...Koyama was so sexy in his dance moves in LOVE ADDICTION...Yamapi was HOT singing and dancing to his GOMEN NE JULIET(and I love the fact that Ryo and Tego back dance with him)..Ryo's CODE is simply rockish...hehehe...but he's so cool with the guitar and everything...
- the Behind the Scenes
it was really funny when Ryo and Tegoshi bullied on Shige...and Shige was really cool with it...the food each has prepared all seems delicious hehehe..but I dont think I will eat what Ryo prepared in Fukuoka wahahhaa...what I like about this BTS videos are they seems to be having friends just hanging out together...but there a lot of things I have noticed, one, Massu doesn't seem to be in some of the off scenes much except when eating or rehearsing onstage ...i wonder why...second Koyama, Shige and Tegoshi always comes together or travel together..and looks pretty as in close friends...and I was surprised that Shige even got to taste Tegoshi's ramen in Sapporo...actually from this I think Tegoshi and Shige are pretty much close since they are the same age though Shige sometimes complain Tegoshi don't respect him hehehe...but im sure it will not surpass KoyaShige's closeness...RyoPi is already legendary...i am not sure if Massu is really shy because Tegoshi is not...hahaha...and by they still look kakkoi more in their casual clothes than in their concert outfits...especially Tegoshi..dang he really look kawaii...i think I can now understand why Shige answered in Kei-chans's radio that he wanted to be Tegoshi when he will be reborn as NEWS member hehehehe....
and before I forget..i just have to say it..their concert outfits are so hideous(arrgghh) gawd...aren't they suffocating because of all the heavy concert outfits...
i'll stop here be continued for Pacific concert...ja ne...
Friday, March 13, 2009
new template
hehehe finally..i had the courage to change the layout of this blog..isn't nice...
actually i wanted to add some few thing so i choose this template and the pictures looks so nice on this layout....
actually i wanted to add some few thing so i choose this template and the pictures looks so nice on this layout....
Monday, March 9, 2009
almost over you
i sang Almost Over You on Valentine's day when me and my friends went RAMADA hotel to celebrate this special day. After delicious meal especially those pattiseries and listening to sentimental love songs during the meal, we ended up continuing to the bar...right beside the restaurant hahaha..actually we just changed table. Same singer but different table.
i really liked this song...and this song always remind me of someone special..for these past few days, that boy kept invading my mind even in my dreams and whenever i think of him i became nostalgic...*sighs*
but im glad that in my dreams we have already reconciled maybe because in the back of mind i guess it was really what I wanted so go back to the way before...but i am not sure..if it will come..and my mother even asks about him hehehhee...of course they dont know that we don't really talked to each other the way we used to...
everyone is telling me why him..i dont know either im not sure if i got too comfortable with him and ended up falling in love with him then got broken hearted...i am not really sure what's bothering me all this time????...i know i can smile and laugh everytime i remember those stupid things i have done especially when i confessed my love to him...our common friend is right..i was devastated when i saw him with another man...
now i am not sure if i got jealous of the divided attention..i was the closest the person(or so i think) during that time..then that guy came along...and everything went out of control for heart is not aching anymore thinking about that...DOES THIS REALLY MEAN IM OVER HIM????
i guess im thinking too much and missing him..talking to with him....*sighs*..
I MISS YOU KULIT..hontouni aitakuite!!
i am not sure this post make sense but nonetheless i just want to let it out of my head and my heart...oki doki...
i really liked this song...and this song always remind me of someone special..for these past few days, that boy kept invading my mind even in my dreams and whenever i think of him i became nostalgic...*sighs*
but im glad that in my dreams we have already reconciled maybe because in the back of mind i guess it was really what I wanted so go back to the way before...but i am not sure..if it will come..and my mother even asks about him hehehhee...of course they dont know that we don't really talked to each other the way we used to...
everyone is telling me why him..i dont know either im not sure if i got too comfortable with him and ended up falling in love with him then got broken hearted...i am not really sure what's bothering me all this time????...i know i can smile and laugh everytime i remember those stupid things i have done especially when i confessed my love to him...our common friend is right..i was devastated when i saw him with another man...
now i am not sure if i got jealous of the divided attention..i was the closest the person(or so i think) during that time..then that guy came along...and everything went out of control for heart is not aching anymore thinking about that...DOES THIS REALLY MEAN IM OVER HIM????
i guess im thinking too much and missing him..talking to with him....*sighs*..
I MISS YOU KULIT..hontouni aitakuite!!
i am not sure this post make sense but nonetheless i just want to let it out of my head and my heart...oki doki...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
lee min hoo aka gun jun pyo
it's been a quite a while since i have updated this blog of mine..because mainly there are no juicy Tegoshi news wahahhaa..just kidding and im flailing over another guy...dang he is cute...and im loving him..
in my previous going gaga over BOF korean version...especially on the main couple but my fangirl heart really flail whenever i saw gun jun pyo on the tube...i was able to catch it on tv once hehehe but since KBS World is lagging around 14 episodes I decided to watch it on aznv..and hooked...blame it to gun jun pyo....
don't worry my dear tegoshi...i still adore you..and love you..but your onee-chan is currently having a major kyaa whenever she see a picture of lee min ho..the hottest guy in korea right now who fell on red carpet going to an awards night..still can't decide which hair i like most the curly or straight hair..but i think i will go with the curly one because he looks so damn cute especially giving those facial expressions of anger, frustration, coldness, jealousy and happiness hahhahaa....he is sure good in acting....he is the third korean guy whom i seriously squeal in delight everytime i saw them...first is hyun bin then lee dong wook and now lee min ho....
usly...i can't help but smile and feel gi
ddy...watching him in BOF
in my previous going gaga over BOF korean version...especially on the main couple but my fangirl heart really flail whenever i saw gun jun pyo on the tube...i was able to catch it on tv once hehehe but since KBS World is lagging around 14 episodes I decided to watch it on aznv..and hooked...blame it to gun jun pyo....
don't worry my dear tegoshi...i still adore you..and love you..but your onee-chan is currently having a major kyaa whenever she see a picture of lee min ho..the hottest guy in korea right now who fell on red carpet going to an awards night..still can't decide which hair i like most the curly or straight hair..but i think i will go with the curly one because he looks so damn cute especially giving those facial expressions of anger, frustration, coldness, jealousy and happiness hahhahaa....he is sure good in acting....he is the third korean guy whom i seriously squeal in delight everytime i saw them...first is hyun bin then lee dong wook and now lee min ho....

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