Monday, March 23, 2009

winter dramas

sugee...i have finished two dramas for the winter season for quite surprised at myself actually...hahahaha...actually i only watched the popular ones and nice story...

okay..the first one i have finished was mei-chan no shitsuji...waaaaaaaaaahh all throughout the whole series im wanting mizhushima hiro-kun for a butler for myself...he looks so kakkoii in this series...eventhough his character only allowed limited emotions..but i so loved him when he became very concern with his ojou-sama - err (will correct this if i found this wrong..the english word is lady) hihihi...eikura nana is one lucky actress, he was kissed by hiro-kun and matsumuto jun hahaha..two ikemens...hehehe..i think if she was the girl on the live action of lovely would have been better..yabai getting out of topic....sato takeru is just cute..hahaha..well im just glad he has more lines in here than bloody monday..i think being a best friend to miura haruma in bloody monday..he did not have enough exposure

i love the love triangle..but i heard there will be a has a good rating hehehe...and i hope mei-sama and rihito-sama will be together...i don't want to read the too lazy...

the other characters are also loved...even yamada yu aka lucia-sama..gosh she's really pretty even when crying...hope she and oguri shun end up together... she is a very good actress...hehehe...all in all it was lighthearted series i will definitely enjoy watching again like hanakimi..speaking of hanakimi-- maki-chan looks kawaii in her new series.. Atashinchi no Danshi..there was trailer for that...hahaha..even though she had to look dirty like a beggar..she still looks pretty...kawaii...calling YAMAPI...hahhahaa...

the second drama was Uta No Oniisan..i am just really curious when I read sakurai sho is guesting hahaha...i love sho in kizasaru cat's i just started with the whole series and was really curious on his singing voice..hahaha...well it was more than i expected hahaa....i mean not the voice..hahaha the drama itself..Ohno is a good actor i think..demo he seems thinner he looks more cute when he put on some more pounds maybe its his image now especially after hearing people about his role on maou--i neved had time to watch it since i am still not finished with mawang hehehe....the whole series(Uta no Onii-san) is beautiful..i love the lessons...especially for me who is struggling from boredomness in my work recently...its like a something a refresher for you...the song is catchy too...hehehehe....

all in all..the two series i have finished are good..still working on downloading some of the other winter dramas...joi-chan said Voice is i will try to download it...then i also want to watch Kame's drama..i always like Kame acting....

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