Tuesday, March 17, 2009

bored..then watch NEWS

i've been really bored and restless for these past few days..work is still the same not at all challenging...i am not sure if its really me who has the problem...eniwei since im bored and restless..i decided to watch NEWS concert videos again again and again maybe i can find some encouragement watching them..but definitely they make smile everytime i watch it....these made me realize i am glad that I have only known NEWS with the 6 member hehehee...no offense to Notti(because i agree he has a good singing voice and dance very well) and Uchi(he's the muse of old NEWS what else is there to say) fans...

i started with the Pacific Concert...then to NEWS Wonderful Story(which I very much like)...but both concerts has its charm...i will highlight what are the things I like and don't like in each concert...

NEWS Wonderful Story

- the energy they showed everytime they go on stage and sing Stand UP - perfect opening song for their comeback

- the flying in Teppen Song...so kakkoii...eventhough Yamapi got dizzy...hahaha..but it really looks cool..

- TegoMass...i love how the way their voices blended so well together even if Tego and Massu are on the faraway opposite sides...their song is still music to your ears..

- all the old songs sang by 6 member only..and after seeing the concert videos a couple of times it confirmed my assumption that not everyone sings LIVE on concerts..hahaha...especially those with dance moves...i guess its pretty hard singing and dancing at the same time...but for singing LIVE on most parts, Tegoshi, Massu and Ryo are the ones I always notice singing live...but i guess because they are the one who are really good at singing..born with talent hehehe not trained....

- everyone has a SOLO part, Tegoshi really looks kakkoi in his white jacket with fur and white hat singing his solo STARS.. Massu was awesome in his PUMPKIN solo..the way he dance is really good...Shige was so funny in his SOLO i can't imagine him doing that kind of jazzy thing...Koyama was so sexy in his dance moves in LOVE ADDICTION...Yamapi was HOT singing and dancing to his GOMEN NE JULIET(and I love the fact that Ryo and Tego back dance with him)..Ryo's CODE is simply rockish...hehehe...but he's so cool with the guitar and everything...

- the Behind the Scenes

it was really funny when Ryo and Tegoshi bullied on Shige...and Shige was really cool with it...the food each has prepared all seems delicious hehehe..but I dont think I will eat what Ryo prepared in Fukuoka wahahhaa...what I like about this BTS videos are they seems to be having fun...like friends just hanging out together...but there a lot of things I have noticed, one, Massu doesn't seem to be in some of the off scenes much except when eating or rehearsing onstage ...i wonder why...second Koyama, Shige and Tegoshi always comes together or travel together..and looks pretty close...like as in close friends...and I was surprised that Shige even got to taste Tegoshi's ramen in Sapporo...actually from this I think Tegoshi and Shige are pretty much close since they are the same age though Shige sometimes complain Tegoshi don't respect him hehehe...but im sure it will not surpass KoyaShige's closeness...RyoPi is already legendary...i am not sure if Massu is really shy because Tegoshi is not...hahaha...and by they still look kakkoi more in their casual clothes than in their concert outfits...especially Tegoshi..dang he really look kawaii...i think I can now understand why Shige answered in Kei-chans's radio that he wanted to be Tegoshi when he will be reborn as NEWS member hehehehe....

and before I forget..i just have to say it..their concert outfits are so hideous(arrgghh)...my gawd...aren't they suffocating because of all the heavy concert outfits...

i'll stop here now..to be continued for Pacific concert...ja ne...

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