Sunday, March 29, 2009

tegomass fanfics

from wikipedia:
Fan fiction (alternately referred to as fanfiction, fanfic, FF, fanon, or fic) is a broadly-defined term for stories about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creator.

just writing this post makes me feel giddy all over again...hahaha...that's how i feel everytime i remember those fluffy fanfic written on LJ for tegomassu....*SQUEAL

those fanfic writers are really good..the plot and storyline are believable and you can't help imagine it in your mind...and honestly i have a vivid imagination...

i think it would be a long time before i can accept the fact of tegoshi dating a girl bwahahaa...because i want him for massu...damn i can't of anything to write because i kept thinking all those fanfic stories...waaaaaaaaaaahhh......

i have to write it would not make sense if i wont...bwahhahaa..tonikaku what i love about those fanfics are the tegomass rabu rabu...they are sweet(im having goosebumps now..bwahahaha)as bheng said kinikilig ako...shamerss talaga.....

they are bestfriends and fell in love with each's not hard to imagine those sweet, angst, jealousy, fight, and the best part is the making up part)..who wouldn't squeal when tego tried to be so sweet hugging ang kissing massu sweetly...waaaaaaaaahh....i have to going crazy nuts over them now....

and tegomass fanfic are addicting bwahhahaa....

bheng-chan arigatou gozaimasu for the this tegomass pic...i love it....mwahugss....

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